
Samoye Cloud is on the “2021 Global Top 30 Innovative Artificial Intelligence Application Companies” list

萨摩耶云科技集团 wrote a column · Jan 10, 2022 04:46
The digital wave is sweeping the world, enabling disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things to accelerate cross-border integration and innovation, and deepen the path of digital transformation. With the support of AI decision-making intelligence, the one-stop, full-scene, and full-link digital transformation has changed from ideal to reality. Deeply involved in AI decision-making intelligence, Samoye Cloud is shortlisted with companies such as Amazon Aurora, Appllo, and DataVisor on the “2021 Global Top 30 Innovative Artificial Intelligence Application Companies” list with its technological innovation advantages and outstanding performance in implementing rich benchmark applications, so that the outside world can see the infinite picture of artificial intelligence leading to the take-off of the digital economy. So between transformation and reshaping, can AI decisions rewrite the path of enterprise digital intelligence transformation?
Samoye Cloud was selected in the “2021 Global Top 30 Innovative Artificial Intelligence Application Companies” list
Samoye Cloud was selected in the “2021 Global Top 30 Innovative Artificial Intelligence Application Companies” list
Independent innovation lays the core advantage of “AI+ decision-making”
Currently, technological and industrial revolutions, represented by a new generation of artificial intelligence, are spawning. New industrial applications, new business formats, and new models built around “smart +” continue to emerge, and the “head geese” effect of artificial intelligence has been fully exploited. With algorithm innovation, increased computing power, and accumulation of data resources, the accelerated integration of AI and the real economy has been promoted and deepened in more links and levels, accelerating cost reduction and efficiency in thousands of industries.
The WIM2021 World Innovators Annual Conference is one of the most influential conferences in the field of science and technology in China. It is also an annual event in the field of global innovation. It has been successfully held for six sessions so far. The “2021 Global Top 30 Innovative Artificial Intelligence Application Companies” list is selected based on multiple independent indicators such as enterprise background, technical strength, application situation and case innovation. Through analysis of the scientific and technological innovation and application implementation results of AI enterprises throughout the year, based on in-depth market insight and industry research, the aim is to find innovative artificial intelligence enterprises that use AI technology to empower industry applications and provide strong impetus for the implementation of AI applications.
From a global perspective, the companies on the list generally have the characteristics of short growth cycle, rapid business expansion, strong team innovation ability, and high investment in scientific research. Judging from the industry distribution, it is dominated by emerging technology fields represented by industrial interconnection, supply chain, AI, big data, and cloud services, and many leaders favored by capital and markets have emerged.
It has been focusing on AI decision-making intelligence for a long time. After receiving awards such as “Specialized, Special and New” and “Outstanding Science and Technology Innovation Enterprise Award”, Samoye Cloud was selected as the “2021 Top 30 Global Artificial Intelligence Innovation Application Companies”. This is not only an affirmation of the industry's breakthrough in decision-making intelligence technology, but also a global recognition of Samoye Cloud's artificial intelligence application implementation model and commercial value, once again demonstrating its leading service advantages and industry influence.
As a leading enterprise in the field of artificial intelligence decision-making, Samoye Cloud is committed to developing comprehensive intelligent decision-making systems through the use of cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies such as machine learning and deep learning to help various industries achieve high-quality intelligent upgrades. In terms of innovative applications, Samoye Cloud takes full advantage of the data-driven power of the Internet big data era and the breakthrough power of digital technology to independently develop the K3 intelligent strategy system and AlphaS credit review robots to help customers restructure business processes and jointly build anti-fraud defense lines, “Euler” and “Orion” benchmark products to help institutions achieve accurate customer acquisition, enable enterprise transformation and upgrading, and provide various industries with a full set of intelligent decision-making solutions from product design, intelligent risk control, marketing acquisition, product operation, and product process optimization. To create an open and win-win new growth ecosystem, Samoye Cloud can provide tailor-made transformation services to traditional financial institutions to help them improve their scientific decision-making level and intelligent service capabilities. This has been well recognized by the market and was awarded the “Technology Empowering Financial Institutions Award” by Times Weekly's 2021 Kumquat Award.
Samoye Cloud won the “Kumquat Award - Technology Empowers Financial Institutions Award”
Samoye Cloud won the “Kumquat Award - Technology Empowers Financial Institutions Award”
At the same time, Samoye Cloud has obtained a number of core patents in scientific and technological innovation and technology application, thus establishing its core advantage in “AI+ decision-making”. For example, Samoye Cloud's “Internet Numerical Method and System” pioneered the implementation of the Internet's automatic calculation function through algorithms and models. Enterprises can expand the database ER analysis model and automatically analyze the ER model to generate corresponding test data according to different scenario requirements, greatly reducing the deployment threshold for different industries and improving scenario scalability; AutoMAN automatic modeling tools significantly improve model iteration efficiency through a fully standardized modeling process, and achieve overall cost reduction and efficiency. With advantages in various aspects such as technology and commercialization implementation results, Samoye Cloud has become the third largest independent cloud service technology solution provider.
Full-link solutions reshape the core growth force of digital intelligence transformation
According to a report released by iResearch, under the wave of AI boosting digital intelligence transformation, China's core artificial intelligence industry is expected to exceed 450 billion yuan by 2025. At the same time, from face recognition to behavioral recognition, from human-computer interaction to whole-house intelligence, from license plate recognition to enabling transportation, and from packaging detection to intelligent storage, artificial intelligence technology has ushered in a wave of implementation in many production and life scenarios, profoundly changing the present and shaping the future.
In fact, the implementation of artificial intelligence places higher demands on industry targeting and actual application costs, so in addition to having strong technical support, a deep understanding of the industry and industry is also important. Only by really knowing where it is needed can we find the real pain points of users. In response to the diversified transformation needs of enterprises, Samoye Cloud has created a full-link enabling solution based on AI decision-making, covering financial cloud solutions, industrial cloud solutions, and credit cloud solutions, injecting fresh strength into the implementation of digital intelligence upgrades. Up to now, many benchmarking AI applications have been formed for leading enterprises in the finance, retail, logistics, manufacturing, Internet, media, government, operator and other industries to accelerate the intelligent transformation process of enterprises.
With the “technology+platform+ecology” innovation model, the three major Samoye Cloud solutions serve all aspects of enterprise decision-making. They have characteristics such as real-time, closed loop, automatic evolution, automatic problem identification, and global optimization. They can accurately explore the core needs of customers and users, effectively improve the efficiency and quality of corporate decisions, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the digital economy era.
Mainly based on AI decision-making, the Samoye Cloud application matrix has served many leading enterprises in the industry, accumulated a large number of complex decision-making experiences and best practices. Through deep understanding of the business and co-creation and co-creation with service companies, it has established and formed a product framework that can target business scenarios in different industries, providing a standardized service system that supports services from the aPaaS layer and SaaS layer, and enriches the product matrix to respond quickly and quickly to the digital transformation needs of customers at different levels.
Under the new economic wave, leaders who are deeply involved in segmented fields are becoming the main driving force for future economic growth. A number of national high-tech enterprises represented by Samoye Cloud are leading the development direction of the new economy with their unique core technology, disruptive business models, and rich implementation applications, boosting the digitalization process, and creating more possibilities for the future.
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