
Samoye Cloud was awarded “2021 Guangdong Province Specialized, Special and New Enterprise”

萨摩耶云科技集团 wrote a column · Dec 15, 2021 01:43
(Article reprinted from China Economic Network)

Kevin Kelly, the godfather of Silicon Valley's mentality, predicted that artificial intelligence will be a new era of printing.It may even be a bigger turning point in human history. Artificial intelligence is moving from laboratories to implementation and application, becoming a new driving force for global economic development. To this end, all countries are scrambling to develop artificial intelligence strategies. Under the policy trend, a group of “specialized, special and new” companies that have mastered key core technologies are deeply involved in segmenting the circuit, and will the leaders in the field of artificial intelligence emergePushing AI applications into an era of “exponential growth”?
2021 Guangdong Province Specialized, Special and New Enterprise Announcement
2021 Guangdong Province Specialized, Special and New Enterprise Announcement
Promote the transformation of AI value and build a new ecosystem
“Specialized, Extraordinary, and Innovative” was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in the “12th Five-Year Plan” to cultivate a number of innovative enterprises with the characteristics of “specialization, refinement, specialization, and innovation”. On July 30 of this year, for the first time, the central government raised the strategy of developing “specialized, special and new” small and medium-sized enterprises to the national level, encouraging the development of “specialized, special and new” enterprises, strengthening scientific and technological innovation and the resilience of the industrial chain supply chain, and speeding up the resolution of various “stuck neck” problems.
Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology released the “2021 Guangdong Province Specialized and New Enterprise Public List”. A number of enterprises with strong innovation capabilities and high growth potential were listed, and AI decision-making solution provider Samoye Cloud was also successfully selected. Samoye Cloud's ability to be selected this time is inseparable from its continuous innovation in the field of science and technology, active investment in R&D, training top talents in the industry, and deep development of cutting-edge technology, products, and experience reserves.
Supported by core technical capabilities such as artificial intelligence, big data, mobile Internet, and cloud computing, Samoye Cloud independently develops a series of SaaS product portfolios and digital Samoye Cloud platforms through in-depth application of AI decisions to guide “decision intelligence+cloud services” in different scenarios, providing one-stop, implementable, full-link enabling solutions based on the characteristics of different industries, including financial cloud solutions, industrial cloud solutions, and credit cloud solutions, to help enterprises improve the level of digitalization, automation and intelligence of operations.
Promoting the transition of AI from technology to value, Samoye Cloud decision-making intelligence services have been implemented in various fields such as government supervision, mobile phone manufacturing, telecom operations, and offline supermarkets. The “Digital Intelligence Satsuma Cloud Platform” has developed in-depth cooperation with 73.7 million small and micro merchants and customers, 50 financial institutions, 530 enterprises in different industries, 1,470 Internet platforms and 70 data providers.
Based in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Samoye Cloud has become an important force in promoting China's intelligent economy and intelligent social development through efforts and innovation in cutting-edge technology, and is actively working with all parties to portray a unique AI brand in the new era for the AI industry in Guangdong and the whole country. Under innovative development, Samoye Cloud has brought a new paradigm to industry transformation, integrating artificial intelligence with traditional industries to create a new ecosystem.
Leveraging policy momentum, intelligent decision-making accelerates scene penetration
Since the concept of “artificial intelligence” was proposed at the Dartmouth Conference in 1956, countless AI people have relentlessly explored it with curiosity and dreams. Entering the 21st century, thanks to the development of deep learning, artificial intelligence has taken a brand-new step. Frontier technologies and concepts such as 5G, cloud computing, big data, digital twins, and metaverse reflect the AI light and shadow in front of the intelligent world time and time again.
Artificial intelligence has become the core driving force for a new round of technological revolution, and its machine learning, computer vision and other technologies have led to disruptive changes in many industries. The 14th Five-Year Plan states, “It is necessary to target cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence and quantum information, and implement a number of major forward-looking and strategic national science and technology projects.”
In recent years, the development of artificial intelligence technology is entering the fast track. Intelligent decision-making, as an important branch that helps commercial decisions, has made breakthrough progress in integrated applications with different downstream industries. According to reports published by Insight Consulting, intelligent decision-making has been used in many industry scenarios such as finance and retail to help financial institutions, retailers and other enterprise customers solve bottlenecks and problems caused by manual processing and improve decision-making efficiency. In the future, demand for intelligent decision-making services will continue to increase, intelligent decision-making applications will penetrate more industry scenarios, and deployment will be more flexible.
Taking advantage of the trend in policy and the wave of industrial intelligence, as an AI decision-making solution provider, Samoye Cloud's huge potential in the future will also be further stimulated, opening the door to a new world of artificial intelligence transformation. The long cycle of economic development is often based on cyclical disruptive changes in science and technology and corresponding large-scale industrial restructuring. Although the artificial intelligence era is still in its early stages, at the beginning of such a new cycle, Samoye Cloud seems to have rushed to become a leader in the market and is moving towards a new high ground.
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