
Outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation, and Samoye Yunlin Jianming won the “High-tech Enterprise Talent Award”

Currently, global competition has entered the core field of science and technology, and high-tech enterprises and talents related to this have become the focus of cultivation and development in various countries. Recently, the Science and Technology Innovation Bureau of Futian District of Shenzhen announced the results of the first batch of the Futian Talent Club “High-tech Enterprise Talent Award” in 2021.Founder, Chairman and CEO of Samoye CloudLin Jianming entered this award list with his innovative application of high-tech, and the high-tech enterprise Samoye Cloud founded by him was further recognized for its innovative R&D and achievement transformation capabilities in AI, big data analysis, mobile Internet, and cloud computing.
Outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation, and Samoye Yunlin Jianming won the “High-tech Enterprise Talent Award”
High-tech ushered in explosive growth, and relevant talent policies continued to be implemented
In recent years, cutting-edge high-tech technologies such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing have entered a stage of rapid application development. According to a report released by data company Gartner, artificial intelligence is expected in 2022softwaresMarket revenue will be 62.5 billion US dollars. At the same time, data released by iResearch also shows that in the first half of 2021, China's overall cloud service market size increased 38.3% year on year to 162 billion yuan. Explosive growth in many high-tech fields has spawned massive demand for high-tech talents in the industry and society. According to the new career data released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs from 2019 to 2021, more than 50% of the new occupations are related to high-tech and its applications.
In order to address the current demand for high-tech talents, countries and different regions have implemented relevant talent support policies. As an innovative highland in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Shenzhen has also continuously released policies to achieve regional talent attraction. Among them, Futian District took the lead in completing a new round of talent plan adjustments in September this year and officially released the new talent policy “Talent Club 3.0,” which supports high-tech talents in 6 parts, including talent input, talent growth, talent service, industrial talent, cooperative zone projects, and public sector talents.
The “High-tech Enterprise Talent Award” announced this time is one of the “Talent Club 3.0” new policy measures. It requires that the selected enterprise must be a high-tech enterprise recognized by the country. According to reports, Samoye Cloud received the high-tech enterprise honor as early as 2017, and passed the high-tech enterprise certification again in 2020. This also indicates that Samoye Cloud has long been ahead of schedule in terms of core independent intellectual property rights, scientific and technological talents, and scientific and technological research and development achievements, and continues to strengthen.
Leveraging policy momentum to continuously promote the implementation of high-tech
With the continuous implementation of such regional high-tech talent policies, it has in turn promoted the birth and development of more high-tech enterprises. Since its establishment in 2015, Samoye Cloud has continuously made breakthroughs in key underlying technologies such as AI, big data analysis, mobile internet, and cloud computing through Shenzhen's policy for developing high-tech enterprises, and has thus formed a strong proprietary technology portfolio to cover front-end, mid-end and back-end operating systems. In particular, in terms of AI technology innovation, by using cutting-edge AI technologies such as machine learning and deep learning to develop comprehensive intelligent decision-making systems, its AI capabilities have broken through to the intelligent decision-making stage for advanced applications.
On the basis of “understanding technology,” Samoye Cloud makes technology more “grounded”. By combining different business scenarios and industry requirements for overall solutions, Samoye Cloud has made full use of various technological innovation combinations to provide customers in all walks of life with cloud-native intelligent decision-making solutions, bringing customers a complete value chain closed-loop ecosystem covering customer operations from generating and guiding traffic to repeated purchases and providing value-added services to help customers upgrade their experience-driven business models to intelligently drive and solve various problems in daily operations, thereby empowering customers to continue to grow.
In many years of experience serving customers in various industries, Samoye Cloud has formed its own barriers in terms of underlying technology and business ecology. Technological innovation has been implemented in various fields such as government supervision, mobile phone manufacturing, telecom operation, and offline supermarkets. According to relevant statistics, the “Digital Smart Satsuma Cloud Platform” it has built has connected and cooperated with 73.7 million small and micro merchants and customers, 50 financial institutions, 530 enterprises in different industries, and 1,470 Internet platforms and 70 data providers. At the same time, according to Insight Consulting's survey, based on revenue from cloud service technology solutions in 2020, Samoye Cloud has become the third largest independent cloud service technology solution provider in China. In the future, the innovative technology developed by Samoye Cloud will also be extended to more industries and fields such as the Internet, smart cities, and smart villages.
Focusing on the theme of high-quality economic and social development during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, high-tech innovation is becoming a key part of driving the country's development from quantitative to qualitative change. At the same time, local governments, represented by Shenzhen, are also seizing future industrial development opportunities through forward-looking planning and continuously introducing relevant technical incentives and talent support policies. Under the support and guidance of the national and Shenzhen government policies, high-tech enterprises such as Samoye Cloud are bringing integrated innovation at various levels, such as technology research and development, solution services, and industry ecosystem establishment, through the implementation and application of cutting-edge technology, gradually promoting high-quality transformation and upgrading in various industries, and injecting vitality into social and economic development.
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